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Pyramid Ales

Official Web Page 
91 S. Royal Brougham Way, Seattle, WA 98134, USA
Tel: 206-682-8322

Opened: 1984
Date Visited:

Pyramid started out in 1984 in the small town of Kalama, Washington. Pyramid is part of “Pyramid Breweries”, which also comprises Thomas Kemper. Together they brew over 20 different styles that are inspired by English ales and German wheat beers and lagers. To those who take in interest in the microbrew industry this is pretty typical of the styles chosen.

Their claim includes the first year round draft wheat beer made in America since Prohibition, Pyramid Wheaten Ale, although most people (at least in my experience of bar drinking) will be more familiar with their Hefeweizen.

Their beers are available in 28 states (note that this is dated information, 1995), although if you are ever in Seattle (near the baseball stadium) or Berkeley, you should check out their brewery alehouses there. I know I will.

Beers Reviewed

(click on beer name for full review)
Pyramid Hefeweizen Type: Hefeweizen ABV: %
Pale golden, very cloudy, good white head of foam. Nose is very subtle, with just a hint of yeast and sweetness. The taste however is excellent. It’s light and smooth on the palate while crisp and refreshing. Initially you get the wheat in the beer, but later, as the beer opens up there’s a very good caramel maltiness. There’s only a little bitterness in the finish, but the aftertaste is very pleasing and refreshing.
Ratings: Appearance: 4/5 Aroma: 6/10 Palate: 3/5 Taste: 7/10 Overall: 14/20 Score: 3.4


Pyramid IPA Type: IPA ABV: 6.7%
Pale orangey amber color. adequate carbonation, generous silky white foam. The nose is very suggestive, with an upfront maltiness, definitely showing signs of caramel and slightly toasted. There’s also some fresh fruity citrus in there tas well as an indication of the higher than usual alcohol content for this style. There’s a slight fizzy carbonation in the mouthfeel, which is pretty light and easy drinking. The initial flavors show a pleasantly sweet fruity malt, a mildly chewy caramel, and also signs of what I would best describe as passion fruit. It’s a little wine-ish in the middle, which is probably again a result of the higher alcohol. A nicely challenging citric lemony tang kicks in mid-palate, but not quite going as far as suggesting grapefruit as some IPA’s like to do. At the same time the malt does carry through well. It does finish out pretty dry and crisp with a fresh lemony tang persisting into the aftertaste, but the malt doesn’t really make it this far.
Ratings: Appearance: 3/5 Aroma: 8/10 Palate: 4/5 Taste: 7/10 Overall: 14/20 Score: 3.6

Last Updated: 08/07/2001

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