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Thomas Caffrey Brewing


Opened: 1897
Date Visited:

Caffrey's is the Irish ale which has certainly seen the most impressive growth, having been introduced only 7 years ago. Thomas Caffrey established the Caffrey brewery in the 19th Century. As Michael Jackson points out in his "Beer Companion", the original family name had been Cloworthy Dobbin. It was a fortunate name change when his daughter married Thomas Caffrey. The brewery changed hands in the 1920's, and eventually became part of the Bass group. The Caffrey name was revived by Bass in 1994, and applied to an Irish ale.

Beers Reviewed

(click on beer name for full review)
Caffrey's Irish Ale (can) Type: Irish Red ABV: 4.8%
Great nitro-pour, light creamy texture, flavors are light with nut and fruitiness, finishing slightly bitter. A little too thin.
Ratings: Appearance: 5/5 Aroma: 6/10 Palate: 3/5 Taste: 5/10 Overall: 14/20 Score: 3.3


  Type: ABV: %
Ratings: Appearance: /5 Aroma: /10 Palate: /5 Taste: /10 Overall: /20 Score: 

Last Updated: 07/24/2001

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