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Crown City Brewery

Official Web Page 
300 South Raymond Avenue, Pasadena, California 91105
Tel: (626) 577-5548
Email: ccbrew@earthlink.net

Opened: 1987
Date Visited: 16th July, 2001

I’d never visited the Pasadena area before, but since we were staying in North Hollywood, we decided that we should spend the early afternoon in that part of LA. My first intention was to visit the Gordon Biersch brewery, which I did, but then later found out about Crown City, which is a little more off-track and harder to stumble across.

We almost missed it driving by, but were very pleased once we found it. Most brewpubs today have something of a new trendy look to them, no doubt trying to hit on the Yuppie crowd, but Crown City, now in its 14th year, definitely appears more of a “locals” watering hole or alehouse.

A huge collection of beer bottles old and new, as well as other memorabilia decorated the walls, as well as an almost as sizeable collection of plaques commemorating the “greatest drinkers”, telling me instantly that this was a local’s bar.

Not only were there 6 house brewed products on tap, there were also about 15 other interesting draft choices including Bitburger, Fuller’s ESB, Newcastle, Bass, Beamish, Heineken, Anchor Steam and Anchor Old Fog Horn. You wouldn’t think they needed to bother, but the bottled range is even more impressive with well over an additional 100 beers.

Beers Reviewed

(click on beer name for full review)
Black Bear Stout Type: Dry Stout ABV: %
Black and dense with an impressive tan foam that sits well. Aroma is pretty subtle, some creaminess, a subdued coffee, and slight smokiness. This really doesn’t tell you about the boldness of flavors that follow. It’s thick in body but surprisingly drinkable with good signs of carbonation. A heavy malt sets in the flavor, with a deep roasty coffee flavor, more so than in other stouts I’ve tasted. There’s a less obvious caramel and creamy smoothness, while the aftertaste is dry and slightly bittering. The smooth, creamy coffee characteristics that dominate the flavor linger well and satisfyingly long into the aftertaste.
Ratings: Appearance: 5/5 Aroma: 7/10 Palate: 5/5 Taste: 9/10 Overall: 18/20 Score: 4.4


  Type: ABV: %
Ratings: Appearance: /5 Aroma: /10 Palate: /5 Taste: /10 Overall: /20 Score: 


  Type:  ABV: %
Ratings: Appearance: /5 Aroma: /10 Palate: /5 Taste: /10 Overall: /20 Score: 


  Type: ABV: %
Ratings: Appearance: /5 Aroma: /10 Palate: /5 Taste: /10 Overall: /20 Score: 

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