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Flying Dog Ales (Broadway Brewing)

Official Web Page 
2441 Broadway, Denver, Colorado 80205, USA
Tel: 303-292-5027

Date Visited:

Flying Dog started out as a brewpub in Aspen, Colorado, one of the first in the Rocky Mountain region. They have since outgrown this facility, and relocated in Denver (close to Coors Field), with a 35,000 barrel brewhouse.

Doing it Doggie-Style
The first thing you’d notice about Flying Dog, in their own words, is how they like to do things “Doggie-style”. Their beers strike references to dogs, as does their promotional material. So while most of us would talk about a range of products, or a portfolio, Flying Dog refer to their “litter of ales”. Their independent attitude to brewing is reflected in the humorous labels and beer names such as “Road Dog”, “Snake Dog”, “Tire Biter”, and “K-9 Cruiser”.

The labels contain witty quotes from "Fear and Loathing" author Hunter S. Thompson, as well as the alternative cartoon illustrations by Ralph Steadman.

Beers Reviewed

(click on beer name for full review)
Doggie Style Type: Pale Ale ABV: %
Everyone says hoppy, but maybe it's just a lack of malt character. Orangey, a little citric in the finish, but not as much bite as an IPA. I was a little disappointed as it seemed too thin for a pale ale. Worthwhile as a summer thirst-quencher, but lacks character.
Ratings: Appearance: 4/5 Aroma: 7/10 Palate: 2/5 Taste: 6/10 Overall: 13/20 Score: 3.2


Old Scratch Lager Type: Steam ABV: %
This beer offers an excellent blend of flavors, refreshing lager qualities and an ale-like character. The aroma is very malt accentuated, you could say a little bubble-gum like but there are also good notes of fruitiness, something a little lemony. There’s a nice medium body to this with a good fizz on the tongue. It starts out with a distinct malt, turns light lemony and cleaner in the middle and finishes dry and bitter, with a slight spicy-pepper hoppiness.
Ratings: Appearance: 4/5 Aroma: 7/10 Palate: 4/5 Taste: 8/10 Overall: 16/20 Score: 3.9


Road Dog Scottish Ale Type: Scottish ABV: 5.5%
More of a porter than a Scottish ale. Aroma offers mixture of coffee and malt and a little hop as well as some alcohol, maybe rum. It’s slightly carbonated, but smooth and silky. It’s not as heavy as it looks, somewhat medium in body, making this very drinkable. It may be a little too thin on the palate for those looking for a thick hearty brew. The flavor starts out fairly mellow, a little creamy, followed by a somewhat subdued caramel and chocolate. It is in fact a little mocha-like in the middle, but I’d elaborate that to a mocha made with slightly weak espresso. This follows into a coffee-like dryness and a little hop in the finish, while a slight smokiness does creep in although not enough to suggest Scottish ale. It does round out slightly toasty with signs of alcohol.
Ratings: Appearance: 5/5 Aroma: 7/10 Palate: 3/5 Taste: 8/10 Overall: 15/20 Score: 3.8


Snake Dog IPA Type: IPA ABV: %
Amber, slight haziness, good signs of carbonation. Subtle nose with some malt and chocolate, as well as a flowery hoppiness. Initially sweet and raisin-like at the front, it does turn to a subtle mellow chocolaty middle, and finishes slightly bitter with a citric grapefruit bite. The chocolate and bitterness make for a satisfying aftertaste. With a nice light mouthfeel this is an easy drinking ale and will work very well in the warm summer months. It’s pretty typical of what you’d expect to find in an American IPA. I have to admit to being personally a little disappointed, wanting a little more character and a touch more bite in the finish. This is not a hop sensation, but IPA fans should at least give it a try.
Ratings: Appearance: 2/5 Aroma: 6/10 Palate: 3/5 Taste: 7/10 Overall: 13/20 Score: 3.1


Tire Biter Ale Type: Kölsch ABV: %
Very light golden color,  well carbonated and clear. The nose is fairly clean, there’s some malt fruitiness with a slight hint of floral hops. Initially the flavor is very light, briefly sweet and fruity but it doesn’t last long. It’s soft on the palate and I did feel that it washed over a little too quickly. There’s a lively fizziness to it but it’s also very smooth in the middle. There’s a nice dry bitterness in the finish, which is slightly citric, and smoothes out as it lingers. Very refreshing and alternative summertime ale, but for me the flavors just weren’t quite there.
Ratings: Appearance: 4/5 Aroma: 6/10 Palate: 2/5 Taste: 6/10 Overall: 12/20 Score: 3.0

Last Updated: 07/24/2001

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