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Official Web Page 
Karlsruhe, Germany

Opened: 1896
Date Visited:

The name Hoepfner relates to a family of hop farmers, although it was actually a priest family member who founded the brewery in 1798. The new built brewery has been at its present location in Karlsruhe, Baden, Germany since 1896.

Currently in its sixth generation of family ownership, the brewery has a capacity of 200,000 hectoliters and has resisted temptation of mass-production, priding itself on its “artisan” (craft) facility.

As they say on their corporate website, their long-term strategy is to make yesterday’s popular beer styles, popular today.

Beers Reviewed

(click on beer name for full review)
Hoepfner Porter Type: Porter ABV: 5.8%
Very dark ruby brown almost black, more than adequate beautiful tan foam that’s both firm and enduring. The nose is malty for sure, with a toasty caramel. The palate is not quite as impressive, slightly carbonated at first, a nice rounded softness, but overall fairly light. That does of course make for easy drinking. There’s a light maltiness at first and a slight fruitiness, but the front of the palate is not too eventful. It does however improve in the middle bringing out an enticing caramel flavor, and a little chocolate, what you could call toffeeish. There’s a noticeably dry bitter finish that is slightly burnt and espresso-like. What remained was a long lingering aftertaste of well-balanced caramel malt and toastiness, even becoming smoky the longer I waited. It certainly would make a very good session beer, and I have to add would work well with food.
Ratings: Appearance: 5/5 Aroma: 7/10 Palate: 3/5 Taste: 7/10 Overall: 14/20 Score: 3.6

Last Updated: 07/24/2001

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