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Mendocino Brewing Company
Official Web Page
Tel: 1-800-966-1936
Opened: 1983
Date Visited:
The Hopland Brewery opened on August 14th 1983 and was the First Brewpub in
California since Prohibition and the second in the U.S.
Beers Reviewed
(click on beer name for full review)
Eye Ale |
Type: Black & Tan |
ABV: % |
Blend of the company's Black Hawk Stout and Eye
of the Hawk Ale. The beer is very impressive on the pour with its thick
blanket of beige foam and dark reddish plum colored body. In spite of the
deep color and thickness of the body, the benefits of bottle conditioning
are evident with good signs of carbonation. The nose is deep and
predominantly malty giving me reminders of the fig rolls I used to eat as
a kid. The complexity of two ales is more than evident with roasted malt,
coffee, caramel, pale malts, as well as a deep berry and plum-like
fruitiness. There are good signs of the Pacific and European hops that
need a little persuasion to get out from behind the malt but once released
show a fine herbal aroma. You get a good feel of the blend on the palate.
The smooth, heavy foamy stout like character combines well with the
overflowing drinkability of the lighter ale. The carbonation is very
light, but the most impressive part is a wonderful smooth creamy
silkiness. The flavors also benefit from the impressive complexity of the
two brews. There’s the initial roasted coffee and creamy flavors, a
touch of caramel and a burnt alcohol warmth towards the end. There’s
also some refreshing cassis like fruitiness in the middle, while a tangy
hop bitterness makes for a well-balanced finish. The tangy hop lingers
well into the aftertaste but there’s also a comforting smoothness thrown
in as well as a little roasted coffee like dryness.
I'm not a fan of Black & Tan in the bottle but the mix of
complexity and drinkability were great in this one.
Ratings: Appearance: 5/5
Aroma: 8/10 Palate: 4/5 Taste: 8/10 Overall: 15/20 Score: 4.0 |
Last Updated: 09/01/2001
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